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One of my latest projects was refashioning this lovely top! It used to be just a basic stretchy shirt, but I have taken it upon me to make it into a garment I'd actually wear

At first, I bought some lace and attached it to sleeves. I couldn't figure out how to put non-stretch lace on stretchy sleeves, but then I watched some tutorials on how to sew lace to socks, since they deal with the same issue. Turns out you just have to zig-zag stitch it while stretching the fabric! My sleeves became a bit widened after that though, but I like them even better that way:) Then I cut out the neckline and hemmed it, but oh woe, it was too big. I made some adjustments though, and now it's just perfect! My initial plan was to cinch it in the center, but I decided it looks better square. Also, I ADORE this lace, it looks delightful on this top!!! Anyway, I'm extremely satisfied with my results and can't wait for the weather to get colder to wear it.

this is my sewing machine:D

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